Ph: 916-331-0240
Step 4. Plumbing the System Once you
have selected and spaced the emitters, it is time to
count them up and determine the water flow
Drip Design Guide
Total gallons per minute for the entire system is 5.72. This could be
handle by one valve. It was decided to use 2 valves to better
accomodate the various irrigation frequencies needed by the plant
material. The red valve supplies the shrubs that can be watered
every couple of days for a extended run time. The blue valve
controls the microsprays for the flower beds and vegetable garden
because they may need to watered every day for shorter periods.
When a plan of this detail is brought into us we can create a
detailed list of material to construct the whole system (e.g. valves,
fittings, tubing, emitters, emitter tubing, 1/4" connectors, end caps,
distribution tubing, stakes, filters, regulators, etc.)
Large shrub area: 140 feet of 1/2" in-line emitter tube (.9 gph emitter every 12 inches) = 140 emitters x .9 gph = 126 gph
divided by 60 = 2.1 gpm
Small shrub area: 39 drip emitters at 2 gph = 39 x 2 gph = 78 gph divided by 60 = 1.3 gpm
Flowers & Fern area: 8 microsprays at 8 gph = 8 x 8 gph = 64 gph divided by 60 = 1.07 gpm
Vegetable garden: 75 feet of 1/4" in-line emitter tube (.5 gph emitter every 6 inches) = 75 x 2 = 150 emitters x .5 gph =
75 gph divided 60 = 1.25 gpm
Convert gallons per hour to
gallons per minute by dividing
by 60 minutes per hour.
Blue and red lines
represent 1/2" drip tube
supplying the emitters,
emitter tube and sprays
from each valve.
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